Future Plan


Elderly Care

In ‘ELDERLY CARE’ trusts first commitment is for those elderly who suffer from dementia or ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE. The need for this care was raised due to the unavailability of any dedicated center of this kind. There are a good number of home health care available in the Indian market who work professionally as a support system but in a true sense a patient with dementia is still helpless. Dementia patients help actually from the inception of medical and socio rehabilitation aspects. Trust is desirous to establish one set up of all facilities to treat and manage these patients at international standard. This initiative will be the first in India. Trust is also desired to spread it in all sections of society to serve all categories of people of our society.

Affordable Health Care

As trust beliefs to help children and trustees being experienced healthcare professional trust is desirable to establish one ‘PAEDIATRIC SUBSPECIALTY’ hospital concept and aspect of which is also rare in the Indian context. Trust is desirous to make the facility affordable to common people by giving a good amount of subsidy to non-insured patients. Trust has a detailed calculation on how to provide affordable health care to uninsured and non-affordable patients along with those who are insured with a nonprofit motive but self-sustaining attitude.

A. Dementia Project
B. Project Cost

Socio Economic Development

With an idea to have health care and education available for every person in India, we will be trying hard to develop the socio-economic status. Through providing education out of syllabus, we will develop a new generation which will never get defeated by any problem. We will try our best to make healthcare affordable for everyone.